Venezuelan History



Country of Venezuela Flag
Capital: Caracas 

Population: 28,047,938 

Brief History of Venezuela:

Venezuela was inhabited by tribal peoples for thousands of years prior to the Spanish arriving. In 1522, Nueva Toledo became the first permanent Spanish settlement in South America. However, Venezuela was a somewhat neglected colony, as the Spanish were busy mining gold and becoming rich off of other more profitable lands.

In the late 1700s, Venezuelans began to want independence from Spain. Led by patriot Simon Bolivar, Venezuela, together with Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador, broke free of Spain and created the Republic of Gran Colombia in 1821. In 1830, Venezuela became a separate independent nation.

Much of Venezuela's history has been marred with dictatorship and military governments. Today the country is led by Hugo Chavez. He has implemented socialism to the extreme, weakening the democracy that the country had achieved by the late 20th century.

Country of Venezuela Map

The Geography of Venezuela

Total Size: 912,050 square km 

Size Comparison: slightly more than twice the size of California 

Geographical Coordinates: 8 00 N, 66 00 W 

World Region or Continent: South America 

General Terrain: Andes Mountains and Maracaibo Lowlands in northwest; central plains (llanos); Guiana Highlands in southeast 

Geographical Low Point: Caribbean Sea 0 m 

Geographical High Point: Pico Bolivar (La Columna) 5,007 m 

Climate: tropical; hot, humid; more moderate in highlands 

Major cities: CARACAS (capital) 3.051 million; Maracaibo 2.153 million; Valencia 1.738 million; Barquisimeto 1.159 million; Maracay 1.04 million (2009) 

The People of Venezuela

Type of Government: federal republic 

Languages Spoken: Spanish (official), numerous indigenous dialects 

Independence: 5 July 1811 (from Spain) 

National Holiday: Independence Day, 5 July (1811) 

Nationality: Venezuelan(s) 

Religions: nominally Roman Catholic 96%, Protestant 2%, other 2% 

National Symbol: turpial (bird) 

National Anthem or Song: "Gloria al Bravo Pueblo" (Glory to the Brave Nation) 

Economy of Venezuela

Major Industries: petroleum, construction materials, food processing, textiles; iron ore mining, steel, aluminum; motor vehicle assembly 

Agricultural Products: corn, sorghum, sugarcane, rice, bananas, vegetables, coffee; beef, pork, milk, eggs; fish 

Natural Resources: petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, gold, bauxite, other minerals, hydropower, diamonds 

Major Exports: petroleum, bauxite and aluminum, steel, chemicals, agricultural products, basic manufactures 

Major Imports: raw materials, machinery and equipment, transport equipment, construction materials 

Currency: bolivar (VEB) 

National GDP: $374,100,000,000



 Venezuela Timeline

1498      Christopher Columbus landed in Venezuela.      
1535      The Spanish conquistadors start to colonize the area of Venezuela.        
1528      1528-1546 The King of Spain (Charles I ) leased Venezuela to a German banking group to            
               pay off  his debts.          
1550       African slaves were shipped to Venezuela to work on various plantations             .
1700s     Spain combined Venezuela with neighboring territories into one large colony called the Viceroyalty  
              of New Granada.
  The Viceroyalty of New Granada consisted of Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama.
  Venezuelan General Francisco de Miranda (1750-1816) participated in major political events for  
   over three decades.             
1810       The king of Spain overthrown by Napoleon Bonaparte.
   The territories of the Viceroyalty of New Granada set up their own independent 
1811       5 July: Venezuela declares its independence from Spain.             
1812       Simon Bolivar and other revolutionary leaders fled abroad.         
1814       Spain sends troops to South America to quell the uprising of the colonists.          
1819       General Simon Bolivar defeats royalist forces in the Battle of Boyacá on August 7.
   Republic of Colombia (also known as Gran Colombia) is proclaimed on December 17, consisting 
   of  Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Ecuador.             
1821       Spain recognizes Venezuela's independence after Simon Bolivar wins a major victory against     
               Spanish troops at Carabobo (Batalla de Craabobo)
   Simon Bolivar established Gran Colombia and becomes the first president.         
1830       Ecuador and Venezuela leave Gran Colombia to become totally independent.   
1831       General José Antonio Paéz becomes the first president of Venezuela.  
1800s     Venezuela torn by civil war.       
1870       1870-1888 Guzmán Blanco rules Venezuela bringing the civil wars to an end.       
1908       1908-1935 Gómez rules Venezuela with strong military backing.
1950       Marcos Pérez Jiménez becomes dictator              .
1958       Jiménez was forced into exile leading to the Venezuelan democracy.    
1999       Venezuela adopted its current constitution.



List of Wars where Venezuela got involved

Venezuelan War of Independence (1811-1823)–After a long conflict, involving several campaigns, battles between competing Venezuelan forces, and against Spanish forces, independence from Spain was achieved. Venezuela became a part of the new nation of Gran Colombia until 1831, when Gran Colombia dissolved into the separate nations of Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela.
Paez’s Revolt (1848-1849)-Revolt by Jose Antonio Paez, the leader of the Conservative Party, rebelled against his erstwhile friend and ally, President Jose Tadeo Monagas when the new president appointed members of the Liberal Party to his government. Paez was defeated and fled into exile.
The Federal War (1859–1863)— Civil war between Venezuela’s Conservative Party and the Liberal Party. The Federal War is also known as the Great War or the Five Year War. This war began with the overthrow of the Monagas brothers by their Liberal and Conservative opponents, who then began fighting among themselves. the war ended in a Liberal victory.
Conservative Revolution (1868)— A Conservative revolution led by Conservative leader Jose Tadeo Monagas overthrew the Liberal regime of President Juan Falcon.
Venezuelan Civil War (1868-1870)–Civil conflict between the Conservatives and Liberals. The Liberals won this time.
Venezuelan-British Boundary Dispute (1895-1896)–A border dispute over the boundary separating Venezuela from British Guyana nearly caused war between the United States and Britain. The U.S. supported Venezuela in the dispute.
Venezuelan Civil War (1899-1902)–Civil war between Venezuela’s Liberal and Conservative factions. Won by Conservative “Blue” leader Cipriano Castro.
Venezuelan Blockade (1902)–British, German, and Italian warships blockaded Venezuelan ports in an attempt to force payment of Venezuelan international debts. This was a common tactic by rich European nations to force payment by poorer nations when they had trouble paying debts.
Venezuelan Military Revolt (Oct. 18, 1945)-A military coup brought a Liberal government into power.
Venezuelan Military Revolt (Nov. 24, 1948)-A military coup led by Colonel Carlos Delgado Chalbaud, overthrew the Liberal government of the Acción Democrática (AD) political party and restored Conservative rule. What followed was the establishment of a repressive military dictatorship.
Venezuelan Liberal Revolt (Oct. 13, 1951)-Attempted rebellion by the Acción Democrática (AD), the party of the elected government overthrown by the military junta in November of 1948.
Venezuelan Military Revolt (Jan. 1-23, 1958)-A military rebellion ousted dictatorial President Marcos Perez Jimenez. Jimenez fled the country due to the revolt which cost 300 lives and left 1,000 wounded.
Venezuelan Communist Insurgency (1960-1965)-Low-level Communist insurgency against the government.
Venezuelan Military Uprising (June 26, 1961)-A military revolt against the government failed.
Venezuelan Military Uprising (May 4-5, 1962)-A military revolt against the government failed.
Venezuelan Military Uprising (June 4, 1962)-A military revolt against the government failed.
Venezuelan Military Coup Attempt (February, 1992)-A military revolt led by military officer Hugo Chavez against the government failed.
Venezuelan Military Coup Attempt (November, 1992)-A military revolt against the government failed.
Venezuelan Coup Attempt (April, 2002)-An attempted coup against President Hugo Chavez failed.


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